Bonjour les copines !
C'est le jour du Prima Blog Hop !
Une journée avec des tonnes d'inspiration, juste pour vous !
Alors prenez du papier, des fleurs, de la colle et venez vous amusez avec nous.
Toute la Design Team vous présente ses créations sur les réseaux sociaux,
alors venez vous amusez avec nous !
Pour participer allez vite sur le blog de Prima !
Voici la liste de la Design Team :
Robbie Herring - http://robbiesphotoblog.
Mona Pendleton - http://cupcakescreations.
Joanne Bain - http://scrappinforme.blogspot.
Jessy Christopher -
Fran Westmoreland - http://purple--peanut.
Robin Shakoor - http://robinshakoor.blogspot. com
Tiffany Solorio - http://stampingattiffanys.
Melissa Phillips -
Maiko Miwa -
Riikka Kovasin -
Camilla Ekman - http://camillaslillasida.
Song Li -
Patti Hamil - www.mypiecesoftime.blogspot. com
Céline Regnier - http://ptitesmimines. <------------- b="">vous êtes ici------------->
Voici mon projet :
Comme vous savez ce mois ci est Octobre Rose
Tous unis contre le cancer du sein.
Nous avons tous été touchés par cette maladie de près ou de loin,
ma maman en est décédée il y a 20 ans,
et moi même ayant été touchée il y a 10 ans.
22 commentaires:
Sp pretty!
Quelle belle étiquette romantique. J'adore le camée. Magnifique!
A beautiful tribute to your Mom, love the stitching and floss on this!
Congratulations on beating this terrible disease - I too, lost my Mum only earlier this year to cancer. It is devastating, but your tag would brighten anyone's day. TFS - Julie
Your tag is beautiful and I love that it represents Breast Cancer Awareness - so close to many of us! Your embellies are lovely, and I really like your stitching!
Love the background! So soft and pretty!!
Hi Celine! I so love this gorgeous tag and all that it stands for! Love your blog header too - so fun!
Your choice of colours works together so well to make this piece look vintage. Fabulous job!
Hi Celine, your tag hits very close to home I just lost my baby sister to breast cancer 11 months ago, so this really touches my heart. The background actually looks like cloth not paper the whole piece is soft and subtle I love it. Very Pretty. Thank you for sharing.
I really admire that you created such a lovely tag with such an idea behind it.
What a pretty tag!! Love all the layers and details.
This tag mean a lot to me! I lost my mom to breast cancer as well and I miss her so. You are a hero for winning your battle congrats! Thank-you for sharing this part of your life! All the best! :)
Hi Celine. This is very beautiful & inspirational, such a lovely memoir for a remarkable woman.
I like your sewed details in this tag. Thank you for sharing this.
Lovely card. The cameo was a wonderful touch.
Beautiful tag I love the colors!
this is a lovely tribute!!! very pretty!
Happy Prima Day! Wow, such a lovely tag!
Such a beautiful tag!! Glad that you beat the nasty disease!!! I am a 4 time survivor myself and hope that one day we can eradicate this nasty disease!! TFS!
That background is special. Beautiful composition. Lovely.
Really beautiful Celine
Thank you so much ladies !!!!
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